Lakewold Garden
One of my favorite things to do is visit other gardens. They can be inspiring, peaceful, motivating and just plain enjoyable. Walking into a garden takes you out of the busy day to day rush of the real world. Gardeners are a different breed of people and being in their garden lets you peek into what they think might be a perfect world. Some are simple and serene while others may be over stimulating and exciting. They change depending on the season. Some are only interesting at a specific season because that is when the gardener enjoys being in their garden while others might be interesting year- round.

Entry of Lakewold Garden
One day this past week I had the opportunity to visit Lakewold Garden in Tacoma Washington on one of their closed days. I arrived for a meeting a bit early so wandered the garden alone. The staff had not yet begun to work so I was the only person in the garden. What a unique way to experience this very formal old estate garden. It was kind of a misty morning which added to the atmosphere.
I was struck by the strong structure in the garden with formal hedges and large structures. Because of the size of the house these design elements seemed very much in scale. I really wasn’t thinking much about that at the time. I just enjoyed being there and soaked it all in. Maybe a bit literally, since it was kind of misty.

Long walk at Lakewold Garden
We are very lucky to live in an area with so many public gardens and beautiful parks. I encourage all of you to visit and support these wonderful places. If you find one that really speaks to you, there just might be some kind of volunteer opportunity. I volunteer regularly for a couple organizations and it really does bring an all new energy to my own garden.

Boxwood hedges at Lakewold Garden

Bird topiary at Lakewold Garden

Wishing well and boxwood hedges

Pool at Lakewold Garden

Long walk at Lakewold Garden

Gazebo at Lakewold Garden