Nursery Hours
We are open on set dates (check calendar) or by appointment. The nursery hours during Public Opens are from 10 AM to 4 PM. We are also open for a number of organized events, so get your garden club or group of friends and come watch us grow.
Other Services
Greg is available for consultations. To have Greg help you spruce up or renovate your garden, contact him at oldgoatfarm@comcast.net .
Greg Graves
For 24 years, Greg worked for Burlington Northern Railroad. In the mid-90s, he had a major career change. He went back to school and earned a degree in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design.
Greg was the head gardener at The E.C. Miller Botanical Garden in Seattle, WA for 13 years. He retired in spring 2011. Greg is past president of the Northwest Horticultural Society and past president of The Pacific Horticulture Society. He is on the perennial committee of Great Plant Picks. Greg has worked occasionally wih the Garden Conservancy. His current passion is building the garden at Old Goat Farm..
Gary Waller
For 40 years, Gary has worked primarily as a floral designer for which he was AIFD certified. Gary won the first Well’s Medina container competition. He enjoyed floral competition and won numerous awards. For his eight entries into the floral competition at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show, Gary placed in the top 3 seven times. Gary had been one of the judges of the competition. In 2003 while working for Molbaks in Woodinville, WA, Gary transitioned from floral design to garden-bed design. Gary won a Gold Medal and Best in Show for his collection of containers at the 2006 and 2007 at the Point Defiance Flower and Garden Show. And in 2008 he won the People’s Choice Award for his containers at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show.
Gary passed away in June of 2022 but Old Goat Farm is still so much of him.